「緑庭」/「Green garden​​​​​​​
紙本彩色/color painting on paper/730×540mm

「始業」/「Starting of school​​​​​​​
紙本彩色/color painting on paper/842×172mm

「公園」/「Corner of the park
紙本彩色/color painting on paper/855×205mm

「彼女の庭」/「Her garden
紙本彩色/color painting on paper/555×295mm
個人蔵/Private collection​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

紙本墨画/Ink painting on paper/318×575mm

「独り相撲」/「Confronting yourself
紙本墨画/Ink painting on paper/618×468mm

紙本墨画/Ink painting on paper/580×877mm

紙本墨画/Ink painting on paper/519×847mm

「御道具」/「Our tools
紙本墨画/Ink painting on paper/317×707mm
個人蔵/Private collection​​​​​​​

紙本墨画/Ink painting on paper/281×281mm
個人蔵/Private collection​​​​​​​

「時」/「Time(fragments of life)」
紙本彩色/color painting on paper/820×390mm

「海鳴り」/「Rumbling of the sea
紙本墨画/Ink painting on paper/1422×397mm

「通夜」/「After parting
紙本墨画/Ink painting on paper/1375×980mm​​​​​​​

紙本墨画/Ink painting on paper/340×190mm​​​​​​​
個人蔵/Private collection

「八月三十一日」/「End of summer
紙本彩色/color painting on paper/158×227mm
個人蔵/Private collection
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