「春招く」/「Spring coming」
紙本彩色/color painting on paper/190×273mm
個人蔵/Private collection

「寒明け」/「After the cold」
紙本彩色/color painting on paper/410×530mm

「迷子」/「Lost child」
紙本彩色/color painting on paper/455×273mm
個人蔵/Private collection

「サボテンとロバ」/「Cactus and donkey」

紙本彩色/color painting on paper/333×242mm

個人蔵/Private collection

「ゆうげの後」/「After dinner」
紙本彩色/color painting on paper/220×273mm
個人蔵/Private collection

「東京其ノ三・新航空路」/「Tokyo vol.3 ”New air route”
紙本彩色/color painting on paper/530×333mm
個人蔵/Private collection

「東京其ノ四・深沢の春」/「Tokyo vol.4 "Spring in FUKASAWA"」
紙本彩色/color painting on paper/901×501mm
個人蔵/Private collection

絹本彩色/color painting on silk/333×520mm
個人蔵/Private collection

「安土産」/「Rustic souvenir
紙本墨画/ink on paper/273×160mm

「誰かの旅」/「Someone's journey
紙本墨画/ink on paper/160×273mm
個人蔵/Private collection

「浜の土産」/「Beach souvenirs」

紙本彩色/color painting on paper/140×180mm

個人蔵/Private collection

「住処」/「Dwelling Home」

紙本彩色/color painting on paper/970×1740mm​​​​​​​


紙本彩色/color painting on paper/970×1740mm

佐藤美術館蔵/ Collection of The Sato Museum of Art

「借家の庭」/「Rent house garden​​​​​​​
紙本彩色/color painting on paper/160×1800mm

「硯の丘」/「Inkstone Hill
紙本墨画/ink painting on paper/318×410mm
個人蔵/Private collection

「野良」/「Stray cat
紙本彩色/color painting on paper/900×1800mm

「画室の犬」/「Dog in art studio」
紙本彩色/color painting on paper/652×910mm

紙本彩色/color painting on paper/297×905mm
個人蔵/Private collection

「石屋の金魚」/「Goldfish at a stone dealer」
紙本彩色/color painting on paper/530×333mm

「東京其ノ五・変わる渋谷」/「Tokyo vol.5 "The changing city Shibuya"」
紙本彩色/color painting on paper/750×340mm

「葉陰」/「Leaf shade​​​​​​​
絹本彩色/color painting on silk/850×455mm

「南の果実」/「Tropical fruits​​​
絹本彩色/color painting on silk/273×273mm
個人蔵/Private collection

紙本彩色/color painting on paper/158×227mm
個人蔵/Private collection

「絵皿に蜘蛛」/「​​​Spider on the picture plate
紙本彩色/color painting on paper/140×180mm
個人蔵/Private collection

「猫一匹」/「​​​One cat
紙本彩色/color painting on paper/332×1700mm
風炉先屏風/Folding screen
個人蔵/Private collection

「迷子」/「Lost child」

紙本彩色/color painting on paper/899×292mm

個人蔵/Private collection


紙本彩色/color painting on paper/220×333mm

個人蔵/Private collection

「霜降りいんげん」/Marbled beans​​​​​​​

紙本彩色/color painting on paper/242×333mm

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